Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hit the REWIND button!!

There are definitely times in life where I have said or done something that has been an "oh crap" moment. In that minute of time there has been the sure would be nice if there was a rewind button in life to erase that from existence. But even if it were that simple would I want to? 

While I was driving today the song "Breathe" came on and I was emotionally and mentally overwhelmed by thoughts of a current situation. 

A few days ago I had said some things. Some serious, some sarcastic, and some just out of a playfully silly mood. Every bit was spoken truth but my fear at this present date is that it was not received as I intended by said person. So after hearing this song I contemplated what would or would not have transpired if I had never uttered a word. REWIND BUTTON STAT!!

But no. I am a no nonsense person for the most part. I say what I mean. I do what I say. Maybe it's unrealistic to expect that from everyone else. 


Now don't read what I am not writing. I don't necessarily enjoy confrontation but it's necessary. In my job it goes without saying that I confront people on a daily basis. It is what it is. Now what about my personal life?

Here's my theory. 

If you are in my life in any, friends, significant are important to me. With that said I feel that there should be an open line of communication. I should be up front and honest. You should be up front and honest. If you have done something that isn't kosher or I disagree with I feel I should discuss that with you. The reverse is also true. 

Call me out on issues. If you're mad. Make it known. Hash it out. 

Don't go silent. 

So no. I would not wish there was a life rewind button. Change does not take place by being stagnant. 

Talk...think...ask questions...understand...move forward never backward. 

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