This week I asked a friend for advice of what to write about. Next time I ask for a blog topic it will not be directly after I have vented about situations that have happened through the week.
But yet it is still humorous at how things transpired.
Each week I look up the free song on iTunes. I rarely ever download it; however, I am a huge Colbie Callat fan and it was a single by her titled "Try". I downloaded it and fell in love with the song.
I have never been a conformist. I am who I am and have never really cared what other people think. I tend to like oddities, eccentricities, those who also march to a different beat than the masses.
So anyway. This song is about a girl who spends her entirety trying to please other people. Changing herself to be accepted by societal norms until she realizes who she is when the door is closed and when the pressures of what others thinks she should be have been removed she realized that she likes who she is without having to be who others want her to be.
I think the overarching message is to be comfortable in your own skin.
When this is mentioned the majority of people just assume it's something that fat people say just to excuse their weight. I know a ton of thin and built people who still aren't comfortable with who they are.
So anyway...said friend suggested I write about this in a personal aspect.
I at this point in my life am good with who I am. Are there areas that I see that could improve ...speaking of physicality....absolutely. But I could also curb my temper and sarcasm at times.
I believe there are things about everyone if given the opportunity they would wave a magic wand and change slightly. This to me is different than a hatred for ones self. A feeling of unworthiness of unattractiveness and an all consuming need to change yet never be happy.
It's as simple as preference. It is unrealistic to think everyone is going to be attracted to a single person or type. I for sure am not. Not that those who I am not attracted to are ugly....just not my preference. So why in the world would I think that I am everyone's cup of tea? Heck some people despise tea and that's kosher.
Every one has incredibly attractive features. Know what they are. Own them. 100% of you may not be hot but some traits are. And by the way... personalities are also attractive.
Listen to the song...
Here are some lyrics to leave you with:
"Wait a second, why should you care what they think of you, when you're all alone by yourself do you like you?..."
Be comfortable in your own skin. Like who you are. Don't try to be someone you aren't. Don't change yourself for someone's approval.
Don't wait for someone else to tell you that you are amazing....tell yourself that!